The Help Us Become Better
Youth & Community
Game-Changer Awards Ceremony
at the
March 9, 2023
25 Lafayette Street, Newark, NJ 07102

The Help Us Become Better Youth & Community Game-Changer Awards Ceremony at The Prudential Center, to be held on March 9, 2023, will be honoring and awarding Unsung Heroes who embody the essence of Newark’s own Legends/Angels to whom our 12 Award Categories are paying tributes to. We will never forget what the lives of these Legends meant to Newark and what their memories mean to The HUBB Arts & Trauma Center. Their contribution through years of prevention, treatment and community-based violence intervention initiatives assisted us in making our families, schools, and communities safer. This event consists of a VIP Pre/Post party with live music, refreshments, and the amazingly creative awards ceremony. Anticipated attendance is 200+ people with opportunities to live stream both the VIP Experience and Awards. The Awards Ceremony is both an opportunity to raise funds for the organization who train up the youth and community game-changers and ultimately, increasing awareness of The HUBB ATC!
The Awards Ceremony is both an opportunity to raise funds for the organization and increase awareness of The HUBB ATC!
The event will also coincide with a celebration of Founder and CEO Al-Tariq Best’s 50th birthday!

Join US!
Sponsorship Opportunities

Sponsorship Opportunities
Title/Presenting Sponsor of the Awards Ceremony on March 9, 2023 and Family Empowerment Day in September 2023
Naming and Presenting rights to the pinnacle award of the evening at the Awards Ceremony
Acknowledged from the podium at the Awards Ceremony
12 tickets to the Awards Ceremony
Scholarship of 10 tickets to awardees, their families and community youth and families
Logo on event webpage
Logo and prominent recognition as Title Sponsor on all event invitations and materials for both the Awards Ceremony and Family Empowerment Day.
Ability to address the audience at Family Empowerment Day
12 invitations to Family Empowerment Day
A VIP experience and private tour with the Therapeutic Arts Mentors and Mentees of The HUBB Arts & Trauma Center (details to be confirmed)
Private volunteer opportunity for your company to be featured in The HUBB ATC’s newsletter
16”x16” brick (includes logo) in the Ubuntu Circle at The HUBB ATC’s Healing Memorial Brick Walkway
Prominent sponsor of the Awards Ceremony on March 9, 2023 and Family Empowerment Day in September 2023
Naming rights to the second highest award at the Awards Ceremony on March 9, 2023 2
Thanked at the plenary at the Awards Ceremony
Scholarship of 8 tickets to awardees, their families and community youth and families
10 tickets to the Awards Ceremony
Logo and prominent recognition on all event invitations and materials for both the Awards Ceremony and Family Empowerment Day.
Logo on event website
Ability to address the audience at Family Empowerment Day
10 invitations to Family Empowerment Day
A VIP experience and private tour with the Therapeutic Arts Mentors and Mentees of The HUBB ATC (details to be confirmed)
Private volunteer opportunity for your company to be featured in The HUBB’s newsletter
8”x16” brick (includes logo) in the Ubuntu Circle at The HUBB ATC’s Healing Memorial Brick Walkway
Private Tour of The HUBB ATC (details to be confirmed)
Naming rights to the third highest award at the Awards Ceremony
8 tickets to the Awards Ceremony
Scholarship of 6 tickets to awardees, their families and community youth and families
Logo and recognition on all event invitations and materials for both the Awards Ceremony and Family Empowerment Day.
Logo on event webpage
6 invitations to the HUBB Family Empowerment Day
A VIP experience and private tour with the Therapeutic Arts Mentors and Mentees of The HUBB ATC (details to be confirmed)
Private volunteer opportunity for your company to be featured in The HUBB ATC's newsletter
8”x16” brick (includes logo) in the Ubuntu Circle at The HUBB ATC’s Healing Memorial Brick Walkway
Private Tour of The HUBB ATC (details to be confirmed)
6 tickets to the Awards Ceremony
Scholarship of 4 tickets to awardees, their families and community youth and families
Logo on all event invitations and materials for both the Awards Ceremony and Family Empowerment Day.
6 invitations to Family Empowerment Day
Logo on event webpage
8”x8” brick (includes logo) in the Ubuntu Circle at The HUBB ATC’s Healing Memorial Brick Walkway
Private Tour of The HUBB ATC
4 tickets to the Awards Ceremony on March 9, 2023
Scholarship of 2 tickets to awardees, their families and community youth and families
Logo on all event invitations and materials for both the Awards Ceremony and Family Empowerment Day.
4 invitations to The HUBB ATC Family Empowerment Day
Logo on event webpage
8”x8” brick (includes logo) in the Ubuntu Circle at The HUBB ATC’s Healing Memorial Brick Walkway